Thursday, February 1, 2024

how to remove 3 dots from HyperOS | Trick to remove 3 dots from HyperOS for xiaomi mi pad 6

 HyperOS new features:

HyperOS 3 Dots: Unveiling the Menu and Customization Options


The arrival of HyperOS has brought exciting new features to Xiaomi devices, and one element sparking curiosity is the 3 dots menu. Present in various apps and menus, these dots hold a hidden world of options. But what exactly do they offer, and can you customize them? Let's delve into the mysteries of the 3 dots in HyperOS!

Keywords: HyperOS, 3 dots menu, Xiaomi, customize interface, Android 14, hidden features, personalization, settings, app options, user experience.

Understanding the 3 Dots:

Location: The 3 dots menu appears in various contexts within HyperOS, including app screens, system settings, and even notification panels.

Purpose: It typically provides additional settings, actions, or information relevant to the current context. For example, in an app, it might offer sorting options, filters, or account settings.

Dynamic Nature: The specific options available within the 3 dots menu vary depending on the app or context.

Exploring Customization Options:

While directly removing the 3 dots menu isn't recommended, HyperOS offers ways to personalize your experience:

App-Specific Customization: Some apps provide settings within their 3 dots menu to adjust the displayed options. Explore these individual app settings to tailor the menu to your needs.

General UI Tweaks: HyperOS offers various themes and icon packs that can indirectly affect the appearance of the 3 dots menu. Experiment with different themes to find one that suits your taste.

Third-Party Launchers: Consider alternative launchers compatible with HyperOS that offer extensive customization options, potentially affecting the display of the 3 dots menu. However, proceed with caution, as compatibility issues might arise.


Prioritize device and software safety. Altering core system elements can create problems.

Focus on understanding and utilizing the 3 dots menu effectively within its intended functionality.

Explore official customization options offered by HyperOS and compatible third-party apps before resorting to potentially risky modifications.

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The 3 dots menu in HyperOS is a versatile tool providing contextual options and information. While direct removal isn't advisable, explore app-specific settings, general UI customization, and compatible launchers to personalize your experience within the boundaries of safe operation. With understanding and exploration, you can unlock the full potential of the 3 dots menu and enhance your HyperOS journey!

10 Long-Tail Keywords:

Customize 3 dots menu hyperos

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Xiaomi official guide to 3 dots menu

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